Sunday, March 28, 2021

April Virtual Reunion


April Reunion Speaker

Rev. Michael S. Bickford, PhD

April Virtual Reunion
hosted by
Lawrence Chapter of Rose Croix

Join us on
Monday, April 5th a 7pm
for a talk by
Rev. Michael S. Bickford, PhD

The Historical Context for the 17th and 18th Degrees

Brother Bickford will be giving a talk on the historical context and religious world of Jerusalem, as described in the 17th and 18th Degrees. This will contribute to a deeper understanding of the events described in the degrees as well as the lessons they teach. The talk will be suitable for an untyled lodge.

Brother Bickford is a Past Master of Norumbega Fraternity Lodge in Newton, a Permanent Member of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter and Grand Council of Royal and Select Master Masons. He is a member of the KYCH, Bay State Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine, and the Royal Order of Scotland, among other York Rite Invitational Bodies. He is a member of the Valley of Boston AASR. He is also Chair of the York Rite Strategic Planning Committee and Vice-Chair of the Grand Lodge Masonic Education and Training Committee. His Son, Joshua, is currently the State Marshall for DeMolay.


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Meeting ID: 843 8260 0678
Passcode: 006589
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