Monday, February 22, 2021

March Virtual Reunion -- March 1st at 7pm ET

 March Reunion Speaker

Bro. Matthew N. Parker

March Virtual Reunion
hosted by
Goddard Council Princes of Jerusalem

Join us on
Monday, March 1st at 7pm ET
for a talk by
Bro. Matthew N. Parker
of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina

Brother Parker will be giving a talk on the Ego and the False Self. The talk will touch upon the symbolism of the Blue Lodge degrees and the purpose of Masonry. The talk will be suitable for an untyled Lodge.  All masons are welcome.

Brother Parker is a member of Zebulon Lodge No. 609 and the Lodge of the Nine Sisters (Under Dispensation). In an ever-changing world Brother Parker believes Masonry is just as relevant today as it ever has ever been, and himself has a desire to help other Masons realize the many ways Masonry can improve their lives.

Join Zoom Meeting

Dial-in Number: (646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 843 8260 0678
Passcode: 006589
One tap mobile: