Monday, November 27, 2017

Dec Reunion and 33rd Degree Jewel Presentation

Next Monday, December 4th, please join the Valley of Worcester for our December Reunion and celebrate the Coronation of Illustrious John F. Sullivan 33°.

This event will be open to wives, significant others, and guests.

Before the usual work of the evening, Lawrence Chapter will open to the public for a special Jewel Presentation Ceremony.

Once Lawrence Chapter returns to labor, all guests will be excused and a special ladies program will be held for the rest of the evening.

Monday December 4th
Worcester Lodge of Perfection
18° Knight of Rose Croix

Program of the Evening
Dinner at 6:00pm
Public Opening at 7:15pm
Receive the Deputy at 7:20pm
Presentation of Jewel at 7:30pm
18th Degree at 7:45pm 

Guests retire to the Dining Hall for music and socializing during 18th Degree.

Dinner reservations required by:
Thursday November 30th

Members RSVP and pay by check or online HERE

Guests are free if RSVPs are emailed to: