You took the necessary steps to become a Master Mason. You earned the right to become a part of the oldest and greatest fraternal organization in the world. Now you have an opportunity to expand upon your knowledge of Freemasonry, to widen your circle of acquaintances, and to serve humanity in unique ways.You may approach a 32° Scottish Rite Mason to take the next step into the Scottish Rite. Or he may approach you to suggest that you continue your Masonic journey, which should be a never-ending path. There is always room for improvement in our lives.Although there is no higher degree than that of Master Mason, the 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite serve to enrich the philosophy of the Symbolic Lodge. A Mason who chooses to further his Masonic experience by becoming a 32° Scottish Rite Mason will be expanding upon the fundamental principles of Freemasonry. The moral and ethical lessons will allow him to be constantly reminded of his duty to God, family, country and fellow man.
How Long Will It Take?
A Master Mason may become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in one day, or he may take each body of degrees separately over a period of time. Each degree requires elaborate stage preparation, so not every degree is presented in full form during a degree-conferring session. The lessons for degrees not performed are summarized for the candidates. Every 32° Scottish Rite Mason should strive to witness in future years as many degree presentations as possible. Each degree is performed at least once within a six-year period.
Is Memorization Required?
A candidate is not required to commit the Scottish Rite degrees, signs, passwords, tokens or grips to memory. No examinations are given either during the degree work nor for admission to the meetings of other Valleys.Following initiation, a member gains entrance to meetings of any Scottish Rite Valley by presenting a current dues card. A new member receives a 32° passport to record the date each degree is witnessed.